Hi everyone! In this release, we have something new and exciting to share! Please welcome the Devexa widget – a fully configurable assistant embedded right in your trading platform. Let your clients provide detailed feedback via voice or text messages during trading sessions. Now, traders can get an immediate reply from the support or ask for a callback sharing their screens on the go. You get more flexibility in working with bot responses and user messages: set up personalized responses or download conversation history through the Admin panel.
Devexa Widget
We are happy to introduce a solid update that we have been getting on with lately – the Devexa Widget. The widget is a support and feedback form that can be embedded in a web trading platform. The form provides you with all the Devexa capabilities including trading, replying to customer requests, sending quotes, and so on. You are able to configure the form through the Admin panel just like any other chatbots that Devexa already supports: WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and others.
Through the feedback form, traders can assess the quality of the service, report an issue (attaching a screenshot or a file) or send a quick voice message right to the operator. All sent messages are eventually shown up on the Feedbacks tab in the Admin panel.
There is also a callback feature on the form to call the operator directly. Share your screen to help identify the issue quickly during the call session. In addition, the operator will get access to a drawing tool for selecting specific areas on the screen, if need be.
Response Improvements
Something else we have been working on is adding customizable chatbot responses. At the moment, the bots support attaching multiple images, creating links and buttons, making text bold or italic.
The personalized responses allow creating sophisticated templates and help stick to your corporate style.
Export Messages
In addition to the above-mentioned features, we have prepared another one that works in conjunction with the widget. After collecting the feedback or requests from a chat, you can download all the messages in bulk through the Admin panel. This may come in handy when you fill in your CRM database or use the message chain for further analysis or investigation. The output format is xlsx, feel free to open it with any spreadsheet editor.
Well, that’s it for today. Connect your software with traders through our cutting-edge AI virtual assistant!
We will come back with more news later,
The Devexa team