Order Management System
Our order management system DXOMS is broker-neutral. Its main purpose is real-time processing of orders and account data. Order processing includes validation and routing to both internal DXOMS plugins and to external liquidity providers/execution venues. Account data processed and represented includes account info, balances, portfolios, and working orders as well as recent trading and non-trading activities.
DXOMS key features:
- Placing, canceling, and modifying orders
- Monitoring accounts and working orders
- Sending orders to an execution venue via an adapter or a simple FIX connection
- Reporting order statuses
- Performing back-office operations on the accounts
All of the APIs are similar in structure and can be used in any combination based on the needs of each particular customer.
DXOMS architecture benefits
DXOMS has an open architecture so that external applications are supported. This can be especially useful for customers that have proprietary risk management, order validation, or margin calculation solutions.
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