About the Client
Since established in 1984, Intelligent Wave Inc. (IWI) has built up trust by providing reliable network technologies for processing large volumes of transaction data in real time and accurately, particularly in the financial industry.
Especially in the field of credit and cash card, IWI has provided NET+1 (In-house developed product), which is mainly used for a switching transaction data through domestic and overseas card networks and a user authentication as the core of online system works 24 hour / 365 day (No1 share in the domestic market).
In the securities industry, IWI has developed and provided Information delivery infrastructure to enterprises. Will-Trade (In-house developed product) is working for an accurate processing with ultra-low-latency and vast amounts of market data for online and wholesale brokers in Japan.

Taking part in development and further marketing of a trading platform was something new to IWI. In attempt to diversify their operation, IWI needed an expert in development of such platforms. As both the anticipated end-customer and the client, acting as the systems integrator, were located in Japan, the solution had to comply with local norms, which included both user-facing feature peculiarities and overall specifics of local market regulation practices. The main challenge of introducing a new platform to the market was to deploy a demo-platform for stock trading ready for further integration with an exchange and being fully adapted to the Japanese market specifics.
Intelligent Wave Inc. was introduced to Devexperts through Devexperts Japan, a Japan-based subsidiary of the latter. As Devexperts already had a trading platform with a modular structure specifically designed for extensive customization, that platform served as a great starting point for collaboration between the two companies.
The demo-solution consisted of the following components developed by Devexperts:
- An order/execution and risk management systems, fueled by a direct market data connectivity to Tokyo Stock Exchange
- A modern Web terminal, which performance is able to outrank outdated static UIs of existing trading platforms
- Web admin interface
To ensure product compliance with local norms, the components were substantially modified. In particular, Shinyo (margin trading specific to Japan) support was added. Order entry, integrated risk management solution and commission calculation were based on Japanese standards. The trading terminal was customized beyond recognition: colors used for price change indication were inverted, the color scheme was expanded to include more shades, and new fonts were used.